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식품기능성의 표준화·과학화·세계화 기능성식품 임상시험센터 Clinical Trial Center for Functional Foods


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기타 | Monthly Global News(7)

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작성자 관리자 작성일14-07-09 17:12 조회27,495회 댓글0건


CTCF2 에서는 매월 기능성식품 관련 해외 주요뉴스를 선정하여 여러분께 소개해드립니다.


주제 기사 출처 게재날짜 기사원문
1 Fatty Liver and Diet The new York Times 2014-6-30(Monday) More
2 Tim Hayward on five foodie fads Financial Times 2014-6-30(Monday) More
3 Salads too can make you fat! The Times of India 2014-6-30(Monday) More
4 Cutting Out Sugar? Food Makers Do It in Secret The Wall Street Journal 2014-6-27(Friday) More
5 Edible Food Wrap Kills Deadly E.coli Bacteria SFDA 2014-6-27(Friday) More
6 Traditional jelly noodles are cooling as well as healthy Japan Times 2014-6-27(Friday) More
7 Pesticides and Produce: What You Need to Know Dr Fuhrman TM, Smart Nutrition. Superior Health, 2014-6-26(Thursday) More
8 The Problem With Portions The Wall Street Journal 2014-6-26(Thursday) More
9 Get Pumped With Plant Protein, Naturally Dr Fuhrman TM , Smart Nutrition ,Superior Health 2014-6-25(Wednesday) More
10 Is going gluten-free all it’s cracked up to be? Not really. American Council on Science and Health 2014-6-25(Wednesday) More
11 Food for your healthy bones The Times of India 2014-6-25(Wednesday) More
12 Broccoli, Stems and All The New York Times 2014-6-23(Monday) More
13 hot.pngShould you worry about how much protein you eat? BBC News 2014-6-23(Monday) More
14 4 Foods to help you stay hydrated The Times of India 2014-6-23(Monday) More
15 4 surprising benefits of vegetables CNN News 2014-6-20(Friday) More
16 Salmonella cases down, but watch out for other foodborne bacteria CNN News 2014-6-20(Friday) More
17 Canola oil good for diabetics The Times of India 2014-6-20(Friday) More
18 Korea's 'rotten' fish dish shocks the world The Korea Times 2014-6-19(Thursday) More
19 Black coffee makes clean teeth, scientists say The Korea Times 2014-6-19(Thursday) More
20 Palaeolithic diet: Should we all eat like cavepeople? BBC News 2014-6-19(Thursday) More
21 B12 haunts vegetarians more... The Times of India 2014-6-19(Thursday) More
22 U.S. Calls on Europe to Ease Limits on Gene-Altered Food The New York Times 2014-6-18(Wednesday) More
23 The generational battle of butter vs. margarine The Washington Post 2014-6-18(Wednesday) More
24 Why brown rice is healthier than white The Times of India 2014-6-18(Wednesday) More
25 Processed red meat being picked on again American Council on Science and Health. 2014-6-17(Tuesday) More
26 Feeding Heavy and Thin Kids Together The New York Times 2014-6-17(Tuesday) More
27 A Long Way From Wonder Bread The New York Times 2014-6-17(Tuesday) More
28 Two 'sprout breaks' sicken more than 70 people USA Today 2014-6-16(Monday) More
29 More Protein in Diet May Lower Stroke Risk The New York Times 2014-6-16(Monday) More
30 Women and Heart Disease: What You Need to Know! Dr.Fuhrman TM, Smart Nutrition .Super Health. 2014-6-13(Friday) More
31 Bacteria found in squid raises concern about spread of antibiotic resistance, study finds The Washington Post 2014-6-13(Friday) More
32 Low Vitamin D Tied to Premature Death The New York Times 2014-6-13(Friday) More
33 Red meat 'linked to breast cancer' BBC News 2014-6-12(Thursday) More
34 Yogurt and Bean Dressing With Thai Flavors The New York Times 2014-6-12(Thursday) More
35 Pregnant Women Advised to Eat More Fish The New York Times 2014-6-11(Wednesday) More
36 The Dangers of Raw Milk: Unpasteurized Milk Can Pose a Serious Health Risk FDA 2014-6-11(Wednesday) More
37 The Doctors: What you need to know about trans fats USA Today 2014-6-11(Wednesday) More
38 Heart disease: treatment using vegetables over drugs CBC News 2014-6-10(Tuesday) More
39 Parents: Stop “marketing” veggies to kids! American Council on Science and Health 2014-6-10(Tuesday) More
40 The Standard American Diet Is Shortening Our Children's Lives Dr Fuhrman, TM Smart Nutrition. Superior Health. 2014-6-10(Tuesday) More
41 'Tomato pill' hope for stopping heart disease BBC News 2014-6-10(Tuesday) More
42 In Pitching Veggies to Kids, Less Is More The New York Times 2014-6-9(Monday) More
43 How to make sandwiches healthier The Times of India 2014-6-9(Monday) More
44 The 'not-so-sweet' sugar The Times of India 2014-6-9(Monday) More
45 Make Room For Potent Protection: Mushrooms Dr Fuhrman TM,Smart Nutrition, Super Health 2014-6-5(Thursday) More
46 How insects could feed the food industry of tomorrow BBC News 2014-6-5(Thursday) More
47 Warning labels on sugary drinks on the way in California, apparently American Council on Science and Health 2014-6-3(Tuesday) More
48 Growing Up on Raw Foods International New York Times 2014-6-3(Tuesday) More
49 Benefits of super seeds The Times of India 2014-6-3(Tuesday) More
50 Geriatricians: Beware ‘Liquid Candy’ The New York Times 2014-6-2(Monday) More
51 The Soylent Revolution Will Not Be Pleasurable The New York Times 2014-6-2(Monday) More
52 Nutella, imported vs. domestic: Is there a difference? The Washington Post 2014-6-2(Monday) More
53 Heavy pesticides use and low consumer awareness is affecting public health Nepali Times 2014-6-2(Monday) More


Should you worry about how much protein you eat?

1. Are we obsessed with protein?
Once confined to sports fanatics and bodybuilders, high-protein diets are now commonplace among non-athletes too - with diets like
Paleo, Atkins, Zone and Dukan advocating that people eat large quantities of fish, meat, eggs, nuts and cheese in order to lose weight. In the UK alone, 37% of people believe protein helps with weight loss, and 43% of women eat more to prevent weight gain.
However some scientists suggest that high protein intake is linked to increased cancer, diabetes, and overall mortality in middle age. And restricting other foods, such as high-fibre fruit and vegetables, may cause other health problems from constipation to vitamin deficiency.
So should we worry about how much protein we eat?

2. Why do we need protein?
Protein is found throughout the body, in virtually every tissue. At least 10,000 different proteins make you what you are, and protein is essential for your body's growth and repair.
Protein is created from amino acids, which the human body makes either from scratch, or by modifying other amino acids. Essential amino acids come from food, and animal protein delivers all the amino acids we need.
Those who don’t eat meat, fish, eggs or dairy products need to eat a wide variety of protein-containing plant-based foods. Quinoa and soya beans are the only plant foods to contain all essential amino acids.

3. How much do you need?
As a rough guide, one protein portion should fit in to the palm of your hand
Many people add protein to their diet using powders and shakes, but how much protein do we actually need each day?
For an easy measure, one protein portion should be roughly the size of your palm, according to US health experts.
In the UK, adults are advised to eat 0.75g of protein for each kilogram they weigh, based on the Reference Nutrient Intake (RNI). So if you weigh 70kg (11 stone), you should eat about 52.5g of protein a day.
On average, men should eat 55g and women 45g of protein daily. That’s about 2 palm-sized portions of meat, fish, tofu, nuts or pulses. But most people find it very easy to eat a lot more. Men and women in the UK eat about 45-55% more protein than they need each day, according to the National Diet and Nutrition Survey.
Eating up to twice the current RNI for protein is generally thought to be safe, but nutritionist Dr Helen Crawley says: "There is certainly no benefit to having very high protein intakes, and individuals who require high energy intakes for whatever reason should consider how to increase energy intake without increasing protein intakes excessively."

4. What happens if you eat too much?
Some high-protein foods are less healthy than others due to additional fat, fibre and salt content.
Processing excess protein can put pressure on the kidneys, with excess animal protein linked with kidney stones and, in people with a pre-existing condition, kidney disease.Some experts say too much protein may impact bone health and, according to the British Dietetic Association, excessively high levels of protein can also cause side effects such as nausea.

Cancer risk?

A study from the University of California suggested a link between too much animal protein and major increases in cancer risk and death in under-65s.
But the study also found that while middle-aged people who consume a lot of animal protein tended to die younger from cancer, diabetes and other diseases, the same diet may actually improve the health of older people.
Other research suggests that eating a protein-rich diet reduced the risk of dying from cancer by 60%, even for under-65s. According to the NHS, these contradictory results may indicate no overall increase in risk of death from a high-protein diet.

Back off bacon

Processed meats that have added salt and preservatives have been associated with greater risk of bowel cancer, according to the NHS


단백질을 얼마나 먹어야 하는지 걱정해야만 합니까?

1. 단백질에 사로 잡혀 있습니까?
한때, 스포츠에 열광하는 사람과 보디빌더에 국한되던 고단백식이는 일반인들 사이에서도 체중을 감소시키기 위하여 생선, 고기, 계란, 견과류 및 치즈를 다량 섭취하는 것을 지향하는 많은 식이요법(Paleo, Atkins, Zone, Dukan diet)들로 일반화되었다. 영국에서는 37%의 사람들이 단백질이 체중을 줄이는데 도움을 준다고 생각하며, 43%의 여성들은 체중 증가를 방지하기 위해 더 많은 단백질을 섭취한다.
그러나, 어떤 연구자들은 고단백질 섭취는 암과 당뇨병의 증가, 중년의 사망과 연관성이 있다고 제안한다. 그리고 고 식이섬유의 과일과 채소와 같은 다른 음식을 제한하는 것은 변비에서부터 비타민 결핍에 이르는 다른 건강 문제를 야기시킬지도 모른다.

2. 단백질이 왜 필요할까?
단백질은 거의 모든 조직에서, 인체의 구석구석에서 발견된다. 적어도 10,000개의 다른 단백질들은 당신을 만들고 단백질은 신체의 성장과 회복에 필수적인 것이다.
단백질은 신체 구성성분의 분해 또는 다른 아미노산으로부터 변형된 아미노산으로부터 합성된다. 필수아미노산은 음식으로부터 오고, 동물성 단백질은 우리가 필요한 모든 아미노산을 제공한다.
고기, 생선, 계란 또는 유제품을 먹지 않는 사람들은 다양한 식물성 단백질을 섭취하는 것이 필요하다. 퀴노아와 콩은 모든 필수아미노산을 포함하는 유일한 식물성 식품이다.

3. 얼마나 필요할까?
많은 사람들은 파우더와 쉐이크를 이용하여 단백질을 추가로 섭취하고 있지만, 실제로 우리에게 얼마나 많은 단백질이 매일 필요할까?
미국 건강전문가에 따르면, 쉽게 계산하는 방법으로 단백질 1 단위는 대략 당신의 손바닥 크기여야 한다.
영국에서는 영양섭취기준(RNI; Reference Nutrient Intake)을 바탕으로 성인들에게 그들의 몸무게 kg당 0.75g을 섭취하도록 권장하고 있다. 그러므로 만약 당신의 체중이 70kg이라면, 당신은 단백질 52.5g을 매일 섭취하여야 한다.
평균적으로 남자들은 55g, 여자들은 매일 45g을 먹어야한다.
그것은 약 손바닥 사이즈 2개 정도의 고기, 생선, 두부, 견과류 또는 콩류이다. 하지만 대부분의 사람들은 매우 쉽게 그보다 많은 양을 섭취한다. 영국 국립식생활 및 영양 조사청(National Diet and Nutrition Survey)에 따르면 영국의 남자들과 여자들은 그들이 하루에 섭취해야 하는 단백질의양보다 약 45-55% 더 먹고 있다.
일반적으로 RNI에서 제안한 단백질 권장량의 2배를 먹는 것은 안전할 것으로 생각되지만, 영양사 Dr. Helen Crawley에 따르면, 매우 많은 단백질 섭취를 통해 얻을 수 있는 확실한 효과는 없고, 어떠한 이유로 고 에너지 섭취를 필요로 하는 경우, 단백질 섭취를 과도하게 증가시키지 않고, 에너지 섭취량을 얼마나 증가해야 하는지를 고려해야 한다

4. 과잉의 단백질 섭취를 한다면 어떤 일이 일어날까?
어떤 고단백질 식품은 추가적인 지방, 식이섬유 및 소금의 성분 때문에 다른 것보다 덜 건강한 식품이다.
과도한 단백질 가공과정은 과도한 동물성 단백질은 신장결석과 관련이 있어 기존에 신장질환을 가지고 있는 사람들에게 신장에 압력을 줄 수 있다. 영국영양사협회(British Dietetic Association)의 일부 전문가들은 너무 많은 단백질은 뼈 건강에 영향을 미칠 수 있고, 특히 과도한 단백질은 메스꺼움과 같은 부작용을 유발할 수 있다고 하였다.

암의 위험성?
캘리포니아 대학의 연구에 따르면, 과도한 동물성 단백질의 섭취와 65세 이하의 주요 암 위험성 및 사망이 증가하는 것 사이의 연관성에 대해 제안하였다.
하지만 그 연구에서는 또한 동물성 단백질을 많이 섭취한 중년들은 암, 당뇨, 다른 질병들로부터 더 젊은 나이에 사망하는 경향이 있었으나, 실질적으로는 노령층의 건강을 향상시키는 효과가 있을 것이라고 하였다.
다른 연구는 65세 이하 사람들조차 단백질 섭취는 암으로부터 사망하는 위험을 60%까지 줄었다. NHS에 따르면, 이러한 모순되는 결과는 고단백질 식이로부터 사망의 위험성이 증가하는 것에 대해 결정적으로 드러난 것이 없다고 하였다.
NHS에 따르면, 소금과 방부제를 첨가한 육가공 식품들이 암의 위험성을 증가시키는 것과 연관성이 있다고 하였다.


보도자료 목록

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보도자료 목록
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