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식품기능성의 표준화·과학화·세계화 기능성식품 임상시험센터 Clinical Trial Center for Functional Foods


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센터소식 | 채수완 센터장, 한국식품영양과학회 학술대회 발표

페이지 정보

작성자 관리자 작성일20-11-02 10:54 조회11,526회 댓글0건


채수완 센터장, 한국식품영양과학회 학술대회 발표


채수완 센터장이 2020년도 한국식품영양과학회 정기학술대회의 연자로 나서 강연을 펼쳤다.

10월 21일부터 23일까지 제주국제컨벤션센터에서 'Healthy Aging & Sustainable Life'를 주제로 열린 이번 학술대회는 특별강연, 포스터 및 구두발표, 28개 주제세션, 국제세션, 제품개발경진대회 등이 진행됐다.

이번 학회의 각 주제 세션은 코로나19 예방 및 사회적 거리두기의 일환으로 연자 발표와 토론이 온라인으로 실시간 중계됐다.

채수완 센터장은 10월 22일 진행된 학회의 19번째 세션에서 'Clinical trials for respiratory health of functional foods(기능성식품 호흡기건강 임상시험)'를 주제로 발표하고 질의응답 시간을 가졌다. 






<발표 영상>



기능성식품 호흡기건강 임상시험

Clinical Trials for respiratory health of Functional Foodsw

채  수  완


Currently, we are facing two tsunami. The first tsunami is the explosion of infection disease. The coronavirus(COVID-19) pandemic continues to affect everyday life around the world. 

COVID-19 infected 215 countries, including the G7 developed countries, India, China, and Latin America, and has infected 37.7 million people and killed 1,085,497 people as of October 11, 2020. 

According to the Asian Development Bank (ADB), it caused huge international economic losses (5.8~8.8 trillion dollars), equivalent to 6.4~9.7% of the global economy. Researchers are throwing everything they’ve got at devising a treatment or cure for the disease. It is not easy for the treatment to come out in a short time, and it is predicted that the treatment may not be effective if the antibody lasts short and mutations occur. 

The second tsunami is the increase in noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), other name is called lifestyle disease. NCDs such as cancers, CVD, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, and chronic respiratory diseases account for more than 60% deaths worldwide. Many of the COVID-19 deaths include lifestyle diseases with high blood pressure, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. 

So healthy dietary habits are important not only for NCDs but also for infectious diseases such as COVID-19. Recent clinical trials have shown promising results for the dietary supplements and functional foods on immune and respiratory health. 

The Clinical Trial Center for Functional Foods (CTCF2) at Jeonbuk National University Hospital was established in 2004 to develop botanical and herbal supplements and functional foods. In the past 17 years, we have conducted about 230 clinical trials and have accumulated know-how on functional food development. 

During this presentation, we will introduce several cases (immune, respiratory function) of clinical trials which are performed in our center. Also The objective of this presentation is to address details on the necessity and importance of nutritional and functional food intake and lifestyle modification as a way to boost the immune system.

보도자료 목록

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게시물 검색

전북대학교병원 기능성식품임상시험지원센터     센터장 채수완     사업자등록번호 418-82-03771
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